The Bodiean('The Bod')-Oxford
Bảo tàng Ai Cập ở Cairo, nơi lưu giữ những bộ sưu tập độc nhất vô nhị về nền văn minh Ai Cập của thế giới.
Thư viện nổi tiếng Bibliotheque ở Alexandria, một trong những điểm hấp dẫn du khách nhất tại Ai Cập.
Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland
Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Trinity College LIbrary, AKA, The Long Room, Dublin, Ireland
Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria
Jay Walker's Private Library
Rijkmuseum Library, Amsterdam
Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada
Strahov Monastery - Theological Library, Prague, Czech Republic
Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Wiblingen Monastary Library, Ulm, Germany
Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Central Library, Seattle
Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria
George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
National Library, Belarus
Riksdagen Library, Swedish Parliament Library, Stockholm, Sweden
Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy
Old British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA(
The British Library
96 Euston Road
Established in 1973, The British Library is recognized as the national library of the United kingdom, The British Library is a forerunner in the field of information preservation. They hold over 150 million pieces of material in their collection and are presented in numerous languages.
101 Independence AVE., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540-1400
The main object of the Library of Congress is to provide the American people and Congress with the best possible information. The preservation of the allocated materials is of the highest importance, as is the abilty to futher inhibit the feelings and ideas professed in the materials. Hơn 200 năm qua, thư viện công cộng ở Hoa Kỳ đã trở thành một trụ cột xã hội quan trọng của cường quốc này, nơi mà mọi người dân (kể cả người nước ngoài) ai cũng có thể vào đọc sách miễn phí, nơi nuôi dưỡng những tài năng và trợ lực của một trong những nền giáo dục hàng đầu thế giới.
The Alexandria Library (Bibliotheca Alexandria)
P.O. Box 138 Chatby
Alexandria 21526, Egypt
The Alexandria Library is a unique feature among the sandy sculptures of egypt. Its main concerns entail the conservation of egyptian culture and the effects of egypt on the rest of the world. They also dwell in the ongoing challenge of maintaining and evovling through the digital revoulution and providing the best possible information to its patrons.
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018
The most famous library of antiquity was Alexandria believed to have been founded by Ptolemy I Soter (Ptolemios) who reigned until 248 B.C. It was originally conceived, not as a library, but as a research center, similar to Aristotle's Library in Athens, which was to hold the collected knowledge of the world. It was the first systematic and serious collection of documentation on physics, literature, mathematics, medicine, astrology, biology and engineering. The library's estimated holdings were circa 700,000 rolls and included writings of the Greeks as well as other civilizations.
Boston Public Library
Founded in the mid-19th century, the Boston Public Library (BPL) is strongly associated with the emergence of education for the working class. Its distinct architectural style was maintained when, in 1972, Philip John designed an addition. It is, today, both a research library and headquarters for Boston Public Library's 26 branch libraries. It also holds a large collection of rare books and manuscripts and musical scores.
Celsus Library at Ephesus -
Construction began on the Celsus Library in Ephesus in 110 A.D. by the Council Gaius Julius Aquila. The library was completed by Gaius' successors in 135 A.D.
Folger Shakespeare Library -
National Library of Canada -
Established by the Canadian Parliament in 1953, the National Library of Canada is located in Ottawa, Ontario.
Tòa tháp 75 tầng gần Bảo tàng Nghệ thuật hiện đại New York (Mỹ), một công trình khác của Jean Nouvel
the National Library of China (NLC), TQ
Minsk, Belarus
Image credits: dano_theoriginal
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