1. Hammargren Home of Nevada History
2. Bioscleave House Life Extending Villa
Price: $4M
Bed: 3 Bath: 2 Sq ft: 3,700
3. Coral Castle
4. Minnesota Foam Home
Price: $194,000
Bed: 2 Bath: 3 Sq. ft: 4080
5. The Cunningham Domes
Price: $470,000
Bed: 3 Bath: 3 Sq. ft: 1,667
6. Mystery Castle
7. Shangri-La Dome Home
Price: $350,000
Bed: 6 Bath: 2 Sq. ft: 4413
8. The Dune House
Price: $1.4M
Bed: 2 Bath: 2 Sq. ft: 1500
9. Castle on The Bay
Price: $1.49M
Bed: 4 Bath: 2 Sq ft: 1436
10. Earthship Home
Price: $55,000
Bed: 1 Bath:1 Sq. ft: 200
Vài ngôi nhà kỳ dị khác:

Designed by Eugene Tsui
Le Palais Bulles - Antti Lovag
Designed by Peter Vetsch
House designed by Christian Chambon in France
House built into the side of a hill in France
Hunderwasser House in Vienna
Sideways house - Sweden
Weird House
Spaceship House
Airplane House
House in Japan
"Orchid House"
Eine Skulptur zum Wohnen - Casa Furna
"Watermark House"
The Spaceship House, a weird house in Chattanooga (TN, USA).

The Teapot Dome, a strange house in Zillah (WA, USA). It was built in 1922 as a reminder of the Teapot Dome Scandal involving President Warren G. Harding and a federal petroleum reserve in Wyoming.

The Boeing 727 House, a weird house in Benoit (Mississippi, USA). The plane set Joanne Ussary back $2,000.00, cost $4,000.00 to move, and $24,000.00 to renovate. The stairs open with a garage door

The Toilet-shaped house, in Suwon (South Korea). South Korean sanitation activists marked the start of a global toilet association right here on November 21, 2007, by lifting the lid on the world's first lavatory-shaped home that offers plenty of water closet space.

The Nautilus House, in Mexico DF (Mexico), is a seashell-inspired abode built by designed by Senosiain Arquitectos for a couple.

The Shoe House in Hellam (Pennsylvania, USA). It was an actual guesthouse (3 bedroom, 2 baths, a kitchen and a living room) of a local shoe magnate, Mahlon N. Haines. After his death, it was an ice cream parlor for a while, and now it is a museum.

The Upside-Down House, in Szymbark (Poland). The house was created by Daniel Czapiewski to describe the former communist era and the present times in which we live.

The Cube houses, in Rotterdam (Holland). All of this 32 cube houses are attached to each other. Designed by architect Piet Blom in 1984, each cube house has three floors.

The Bubble House in Cannes (France). In the early eighties, fashion designer Pierre Cardin bought this atypical summer house built by architect Antti Lovag.

The Eliphante Art House, in Cornville (AZ, USA). Artist Michael Kahn and his wife Leda Livant built it from found materials piece by piece.

The Mushroom House, in Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).

The One Log House, in Garberville (California, USA). It is a one-bedroom house hollowed out from a single log that came from a 2,100-year old redwood tree. After felling this 13 foot diameter forest giant, Art Schmock and a helper needed 8 months of hard labor to hollow out the log into a room 7 ft. high and 32 ft. long, weighing about 42 tons.

The Fallingwater, in Pennsylvania (USA). It was designed by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935

The Steel House, in Lubbock (Texas, USA). Architect and sculptor Robert Bruno spent 23 years building this strange home that looks like a giant pig out of 110 tons of steel.

The Pickle Barrel House, in Michigan (USA).

The Strawberry house, in Tokyo (Japan).

The Kettle House, in Texas (USA).

The Kvivik Igloo, in Kvivik (Faroe Islands).

The REN building is a proposal for a hotel, sports and conference center for th World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

Steel House by the artist Robert Bruno. The house build near the city of Lubbock in Texas

'The Barbican has an exhibition detailing various visions of future cities and utopian urban architecture. Highlights include a great cartoon strip of Archigram's Instant City descending on Bournemouth, Koolhaas from Exodus to the CCTV building, Parent and Virilio's Oblique City, Will Alsop's superbly bonkers masterplan for Barnsley (please make it happen!), James Wines & SITE's tree-covered high-rise and BEST showroom, Shigeru Ban's elegant and humane Paper Log House, and MVRDV's Pig City. Of particular interest were the Metabolists, the Japanese 1960s movement comprising Kiyonori Kikutake, Kisho Kurokawa, Kenzo Tange and others.'

This is the Habitat 67 - architect and designer Antoine de Saint-Exupery's theme building for an exposition called Expo 67 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Titled "Man and his World", Saint-Exupery called it a new house "that doesn’t have a face yet." And also that "the truth for one was to build; it is, for the other, to occupy it." Well, according to Habitat site, some 148 singles, couples and families occupy it now, and that's the truth.

The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, California is designed by Frank Gehry.

Designed by a group of Dutch architects and designers of the firm MVRDV, these are Wozoco's Apartments in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Castle House San Juan Dominican Republic
tea pot gas station of Zillah, WA
Teapot House Zillah WA
Teapot House
Boat House Halifax Nova Scotia1. Mind House ( Barcelona , Spain )
2. The Crooked House ( Sopot , Poland )
3. Stone House ( Guimarães , Portugal )
4. Lotus Temple ( Delhi , India )
5. Cathedral of Brasilia ( Brazil )
6. La Pedrera ( Barcelona , Spain )
7. Atomium ( Brussels , Belgium )
8. Museum of Contemporary Art(Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil )
9. Kansas City Library ( Missouri , USA )
10. Low impact woodland house ( Wales , UK )
11. Guggenheim Museum ( Bilbao , Spain )
12. Rotating Tower, (Dubai, UAE)
13. Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)
14. Casa da musica (Porto, Portugal)
15. Olympic Stadium ( Montreal , Canada )
16. Nautilus House ( Mexico City , Mexico )

17. The National Library ( Minsk , Belarus )

18. National Theatre ( Beijing , China )
19. Conch Shell House, ( Isla Mujeres , Mexico )

20. House Attack ( Viena , Austria )
23. Ideal Palace ( France
24. The Church of Hallgrimur ( Reykjavik, Iceland)
26. The Museum of Play ( Rochester , USA )
27. Atlantis ( Dubai , UAE)
28. Montreal Biosphere ( Canada )
29. Wonderworks (Pigeon Forge , TN , USA )
30. The Basket Building ( Ohio , USA )
31. Kunsthaus ( Graz , Austria )
32. Forest Spiral ( Darmstadt , Germany )
33. Wooden Gagster House ( Archangelsk , Russia )
International School (Oslo, Norway)
Milwaukee Art Museum ( Milwaukee, USA)
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum (Ontario, Canada)
Honey Bee Hive House (Jerusalem, Israel)
Stata Center (Cambridge, USA)
Bishop Castle (Colorado, USA)
Dancing House (Prague, Czech Republic)
Upside Down House (Szymbark, Poland)
Borgund Stave Church (Borgund, Lærdal, Norway)
Device To Root Out Evil (Calgary, Canada)
Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto, Canada)
Tea Pot Gas Station (Zillah, USA)
Dome House (Florida, USA)
Hang Nga Guesthouse/Crazy House (Dalat, Vietnam)
Solar Furnace (Odeillo, France)
National Stadium (Beijing, China)
The Neverwas Haul (California, USA)
Longaberger Basket Building (Newark, USA)
Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)
Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles, USA)
Experience Music Project (Seattle, WA, USA)
Wonder Works (Pigeon Forge, USA)
Earth House 2 (Lostorf, Switzerland)
Montreal Biosphere (Montreal, Canada)
Casa Battlo (Barcelona, Spain)
Wooden Gagster House (Archangelsk, Russia)
Snail House (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Waldspirale (Darmstadt, Germany)
Parc Guell (Barcelona, Spain)
The Church of Hallgrimur (Reykjavik, Iceland)
Palais Bulles (Cannes, France)
Earth House 1 (Dietikon, Switzerland)
Ideal Palace (France)
Nhà hình đàn dương cầm(Huainan, TQ)